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Romania second among top 50 countries with fastest growing technology companies

According to Delloite CE Technoogy Fast 50, a ranking based on the incomes of local IT companies within the last four years, Romania is the second among countries that have very dynamic IT companies.

There were ten Romanian firms included in this ranking and, between 2011 and 2014 they registered a 500 percent growth. Thus the country saw the greatest increase from the Central and Eastern European region during the first three trimesters of the year. Also, compared to last year, the number of IT companies in Romania that deal with software has grown.

Five of the companies that were part of the Fast 50 top have their headquarters in Bucharest while others are spread around the country. Among these companies were: ZebraPay, which is number six in the regional ranking and has a 998 percent growth rate; ITNT, which lead locally in 2014 and had a 933 percent growth rate, while last year it had around 1,433 percent; Insoft Developement and Consulting, which has a 577 percent growth and was present in two separate categories, namely Big five ( first place), and Fast 50 (15th place); Teamnet International, with 127 percent,and, ASTINVEST with 705 percent.

Companies from nine states were included in the classification: Poland, Romania, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Serbia.

Moreover, there is a clear lead taken by software firms, followed by media, hardware and, finally, telecommunications.

Romania has a very good history with respect to IT companies and technology in general. It is the birth place of the father of cybernetics, Stefan Odobleja, has a large number of very talented cybernetic specialists and no shortage of young professionals eager to start their IT careers. It also has one of the world's fastest internet and was quick to adopt fiber optic cable technology.

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