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Applications for state aid can be submitted starting Monday, 30th of May

The companies requesting state aids for investments that promote regional development by creating jobs can be submitted starting Monday, 30thof May, until June 10

The budget for this session is 250 million RON (approx. 55,5 Mil EUR).

The procedure consists of several steps. The applications, altogether with the justifying papers will be submitted through post mail or courier with receipt, or in person at the General Registry of the Ministry of Public Finance, mentioning on the envelope: "Unitatea de implementare a schemei de ajutor de stat instituită prin H.G. nr. 332/2014" ( meaning, "The unit for implementing the state aid scheme enforced through H.G. No. 332/2014").

The applications registered outside the timeframe 30.05-10.06.2016 will be returned and not taken into consideration.

The Ministry of Public Finance will check the conformity, the eligibility criteria, and will calculate a score for centralizing in descending order the requests. The first step of evaluation closes in 30 working days after ending the session. Ther results will be published on the website of the Ministry of Public Finance.

The selected enterprises will send the business plans and other justifying papers in maximum 30 working days from the communication of the result, in order to be analyzed for issuing the financing agreement

The money is granted for eligible expenses such as salary costs. Up until now, 25 investment projects were approved that will generate 4074 new work places, with a state aid worth 111.3 million RON.

by Mihaela Constantin

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