On October 27
th, the Government of Romania approved a new
legislation package regarding public procurement with the hope of
making such endeavors easier and more transparent.
list of changes(1) to this particular legislation starts off with the
reductions of medium to long term costs by introducing a novel
principle known as “value for money”. According to this concept,
the lowest price of the product won't be the only one taken into
consideration, but rather it will be joined by other assignation
criteria such as the cost of the entire life cycle of the product,
the service, the acquired work and so on. As such, the
contracting authority basically gives the acquisition contract to the
highest bidder, who will be determined on the basis of the lowest
price or best price to quality ratio, along with the aforementioned
additional factors.
regarding the assigning of the public procurement contract will apply
to those cases where such acquisitions' value is greater or equal to
the following sums: 22,908,118 RON for public procurement contracts
or frame agreements for workmanship; 591,918 RON for public
procurement contracts or frame agreements for products and services;
3,312,975 RON for public procurement contracts or frame agreements
for services which focus on social services and other specific
services inscribed in the law. As well, a public authority will be
able to acquisition services and products if the overall value,
excluding VAT is less than 66,259,5 RON. As far as workmanship goes
the value excluding VAT is lower than 265,038 RON. By implementing
the offer evaluation mechanism, the public procurement process will
be redefined and will soon start producing societal effects.
new regulations also make clear the authorities' obligation to give
reasons for their decision to not split into lots a public
procurement contract, in the event that they make such a decision.
This way they might encourage the participation of medium and small
businesses in public assignment procedures. Furthermore, the
regulations make reference to the possibility of limiting the number
of lots which can be assigned to one bidder. Thus the assigning of
multiple lower value contracts is preferred to that of one higher
value contract being assigned to one bidder. Moreover, it will
become obligatory for contracting authorities to be more transparent
by using electronic means during the whole process of assigning
contracts as well as file an electronic document for the purpose of
whatever acquisition they plan to make.
novel element comes in the form of regulating the conflicts of
interest, whereby the definition of this phenomenon is broadened to
include more than just family ties and capital. These and other novel
regulations in the public procurement legislation will, as Romanian
Finance Minister also hopes, enter into force starting January
st 2016. This way Romania might observe an
improvement in the social aspects targeted by the new modifications
sooner and executed with more efficiency than if it were to wait
longer for such changes.
1 http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/guvernul-a-aprobat-proiectul-legislativ-privind-achizitiile-publice