RTPR has assisted the private equity fund MidEuropa and its (former) portfolio company, Profi Rom Food, on the closing of the sale of Profi to Ahold Delhaize in respect of Romanian law matters of the transaction.
SARMIS Capital has announced the acquisition of Total Technologies, a Honeywell-technology integrator for industrial automation. The acquisition is carried out through Smart ID Technology, a SARMIS Capital portfolio company.
Romanians are being more cautious with their Christmas spending this year, preparing fewer or lower-value gifts to place under the tree, amid end-of-year uncertainties.
Two of the transactions were concluded with RNV Infrastructure, involving the acquisition of operating assets for “green” energy generation (wind and hydro projects) and the completion of a 50%/50% partnership with RNV in Electrocentrale Borzești SRL, which is developing several wind parks and has completed a solar park.
The Romanian Health and Safety Awards for Excellence Gala has announced this year’s winners, showcasing organizations and professionals who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to promoting health and safety in the workplace. The event brought together industry leaders, HSE experts, and companies from various economic sectors, focusing on best practices and innovation.
The overall costs of the global energy transition, estimated at USD 200 trillion by 2050, could be reduced by almost 25% using de-risking instruments, thus facilitating new, innovative methods of financing and refinancing green projects.
There are only ten days left to submit your project for the 4th edition of Green Report Gala 2024, the most important event in Romania dedicated to recognizing achievements in the field of environmental protection and sustainability.
The Macallan and Bentley Motors have joined forces to introduce a limited edition single malt Scotch whisky, Macallan Horizon, a fusion of timeless tradition and cutting-edge technology.
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