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EGGER invested 35 mln euro in the largest biomass power plant in Romania

The Austrian group EGGER has finalized the largest biomass power plant in Romania at its plant in Radauti, Suceava County. The facility has an installed capacity of 83 MW and was supported by an investment worth 35 million euro from the group’s own funds. By developing this project, EGGER aims at transforming the Radauti facility into an integrated production site, at the same time reducing the consumption of fossil fuel and securing its competitiveness and long-term viability.

With this project which has been implemented between September 2012 and October 2013 the group will ensure the internal power and heat necessities by using the waste arising from woodworking, the total investment in the Radauti plant amounting now to approximately 437 million euro.

‘The plant in Radauti, Romania, is a strategic location for EGGER group. The company has continued the investment plans to develop the plant in Radauti into an integrated production site throughout the construction of a biomass power plant.The electrical and thermal energy produced, will be used exclusively for the supply of the production lines and of the other installations of the industrial platform. The raw material for the biomass power plant is supplied by the wood waste from chipboard and OSB production lines that cannot be used in other processes,’ Ioan Banciu, Technical Director at EGGER Romania, explains, according to a press release.

ANRE, the Romanian Regulatory Authority in the Energy sector, accredited the project at the end of the last year, on December 20.

EGGER, one of the leading international wood processing companies entered the Romanian market in January 2008, here operating the Radauti plant. The group has other 16 plants across Europe where implemented the same philosophy relative to the sustainable use of timber products, which is considered of high priority. Besides Romania, Egger has developed up to this point, biomass power plants in Austria, Germany, France and the United Kingdom.

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