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City Plaza Hotel in Cluj-Napoca, Romania’s first equipped with cogeneration power plant

City Plaza Hotel, a five star facility located in Cluj-Napoca, became the first to use a cogeneration power plant in Romania’s hotel industry, following an investment of 200,000 euro expected to be recovered within a period of eight to nine years. The power station which supplies both electric and thermal power energy was inaugurated today, reads Mediafax.

According to Cosmin Sindean, the hotel manager, the cogeneration station will help City Plaza improve energy efficiency and reduce both electricity and gas consumption.

“The power plant allows us saving about 20 percent of electricity and thermal power. The electricity produced by this power station is enough for 900 road luminaires in a city like Gherla, while the thermal power produced can heat a semi Olympic size pool”, stated Sindean during a press conference, quoted by the newswire.

The cogeneration project was implemented in cooperation with EnergoBit Esco and it will secure 65 percent of the annual heat necessary for producing hot process water and 53 percent of the annual electricity demand. It will also lead to reduction by 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions that generate greenhouse effect.

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