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Toshiba’s subsidiary builds two solar plants in Brasov

Energreen Investment Europe expects to finalize by the end of this year one of the two solar power plants projects developed in Brasov County, according to Mediafax. The plant has an estimated power of 5 MW and is located in Halchiu, being managed by Elisolar, a local company controlled by the investment group. Same it is Vis Solaris that implemented a photovoltaic project of 17MW, but in Hoghiz.

The solar plants are supported by an investment of about EUR 37 million and are built by Toshiba’s subsidiary, Toshiba Transmission and Distribution, an engineering, technology and innovation enterprise in the power transmission and distribution industry as a manufacturer and turnkey engineering service provider. ‘Toshiba is the works entrepreneur. We hope the photovoltaic park from Halchiu will be finalized by the end of this year.’ said to Mediafax  Cristian Blaj, Elisolar’s administrator.

Energreen, the group controlling Elisolar and Vis Solaris, is a Luxembourg-based investment holding company focused on the production of renewable energy in emerging countries such as Romania and other Eastern European countries.

The interest showed in developing such projects in Romania can be considered a positive response from the investment group especially following the Romanian Government decision in June 2013 of cutting down the number of green certificates for energy produced from renewable sources. These certificates serve as a support from the Romanian authorities for green energy producers, Transelectrica providing each of them with a certain amount of certificates for free.

However, the current context is not so favorable considering the Government’s decision that was widely criticized by the green energy producers that financially sustain part of the production costs by selling the certificates to suppliers.

Up to this point, there have been developed solar plants projects in Romania having a total power of over 410 MW.


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