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Why it is more important now than ever to communicate about your company!

We all face an incredible period! 

A few weeks ago, no one anticipated the health and economic crisis we are facing now. Everyone is affected, more or less, whether it is a small or large company. During this time, it is very important to continue, to do business, to pay our taxes and suppliers, to respect the contractual obligations, to produce or deliver. We can see all of this as a test, to check how solid our business is or, in some cases, how resilient it is. These days, a differentiating factor is the values ​​of the company that governs the way it operates and how grounded these values ​​are in the company's DNA. Also, if we add to these, the risk management capacity, the strong human resources policies, including those of health and safety, we can have a complete picture of how solid, safe and reliable the company is for all its stakeholders.

Another important aspect that should not be neglected is communication and transparency. In fact, it is now more important than ever for a company to communicate with all its stakeholders about its goals and targets and to publicly reconsider its commitments. For this reason, it is extremely important and can also be seen as an opportunity for companies to publish sustainability reports. Being complex documents, which are mandatory for some companies (companies with over 500 employees), sustainability reports provide essential information on how the company is governed, including its risk management system and action plans, financial aspects and others. economic aspects and also details on the implementation of different policies, such as: anti-corruption, human rights, health and safety, diversity and equal opportunities, environment and climate change. The deadline for those companies that are obliged according to the law to make this type of reporting, also known as non-financial, is approaching.

According to the Orders of the Ministry of Public Finance no. 1938/2016 and no. 3456/2018, there are two reporting methods: the inclusion in the annual reports of a non-financial statement or the publication of a separate non-financial report. Accordingly, the deadline for publishing this information is set by the method of publication chosen.

Considering the importance of this non-financial reporting and how much it can contribute to strengthening the company's relationship with different stakeholders - investors, employees, customers, suppliers, etc. - it is recommended to produce a separate report that can be published until June 30 a.c.

For more details on the reporting process, we invite you to watch the following video

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