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Turkish investors confirm interest in Oltchim, Cuprumin and Romanian Post

Turkish business community is interested in the privatization of Oltchim, Cuprumin and Romanian Post, some of the priorities on the agenda of Romania’s Ministry of Economy announced TIAD (Turkish Businessmen Association in Romania) during a meeting with Andrei Gerea, the recently-appointed minister, also attended by the Turkish Ambassador, Omur Solendil. 

The discussion focused on aspects linked with the stage of the bilateral economic relations that supported a high level of commercial exchanges between Romania and Turkey, despite the global crisis. Also, Omur Solendil asked Gerea to back the Turkish business community up in the issues they face here, issues that were also approached during the reunion shows a press release from the ministry. 

On his turn, Andrei Gerea continued the lobby meant to attract foreign investors in the privatization of the companies from the Ministry’s portfolio and said that will send TIAD a list of the current projects of interest for the Romania’s economy, welcoming any suggestions from them. The Turkish association, apart from stating the interest towards Oltchim, Cuprumin and Romanian Post, stressed out the importance of an economic stability to increase the investors’ trust that would consequently determine higher investments volumes on the market.

Turkey is Romania’s main commercial partner outside EU and the fifth, considering the whole commercial relations with foreign countries, representing an important source of investments. The Romanian-Turkish commercial exchanges have a cumulated value of EUR3 billion after the first eight months of the year, up 3.5% over the similar period in 2012.

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