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Romania firm to its position, as to the creation of two states, Israel and Palestine

Romania is firm to its position as to the creation of two states, Israel and Palestine declared Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu, pointing out that the two sides need to discuss and not resort to measures that could have a negative impact on negotiations.

"Romania's position is that of creating two states, Israel and Palestine. This solution must be found through direct dialogue and at the same time it is advisable not to resort to unilateral measures that could have a negative impact on the negotiations. The decision announced by the US (to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem) is, in my opinion, an encouraging element, as President Trump clearly sends a signal about the US involvement in finding a solution. The situation of Jerusalem, the situation of the two states in the region, will be the subject of negotiations and the legal status of the two states and of Jerusalem will bedecided depending on the agreed solutions," Melescanu said quoted by Agerpress.

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