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100 million euro to be invested in Azomures

Azomures will sign a EUR100 million investment contract for upgrading the ammonia unit, the company's General Director Mihai Anitei announced during the MEDIAFAX Talks about energy conference.

The chemical plant which was taken over last year by Ameropa A.G. benefited from another EUR80 million directed at the urea unit based on the EUR200 million investment program the new major shareholder announced.

'We have just signed a EUR80 million upgrading contract this year for the urea department and we're about to sign a EUR100 million contract for upgrading the ammonia unit as well. We will eventually have a brand-new plant.' explained Anitei

Azomures, which uses gas as main raw material reports a 1.5 million of tonnes production yearly and supplies nearly half of the total fertilizers used in agriculture in Romania.

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