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Antonescu will be the USL presidential candidate

In spite of the turmoil within the USL (the Social-Liberal Union), the two parties continue to remain on the same boat after its leaders reinforced today the initial position in relation with this year’s presidential elections and re-confirmed Crin Antonescu as their presidential candidate.

The re-confirmation came both from Victor Ponta, PSD’s leader and Romanian Prime Minister, and Antonescu, President of PNL and the chief of Senate, after a meeting with the leaders of the Union. Antonescu also said that they are working on updating the USL Protocol which, among other modifications, will then name him as the presidential candidate. Additionally, there will be established a parliamentary council of the USL which will include representatives of the Permanent Bureaus, presidents of the two chambers as well as leaders of the two parties.

Besides these updates, the Liberal leader stated that they will issue an USL code of conduct based on a concept meant to eliminate disputes, so that a member who launches attacks on other USL member is excluded from the party he belongs to.


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