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PNL appoints Andrei Gerea as Minister of Economy

PNL appoints Andrei Gerea to replace Varujan Vosganian as Minister of Economy. Gerea, who is the former leader of Liberal MPs group in the Chamber of Deputies was unanimously voted by the party’s BPN (National Political Bureau) members, according to Crin Antonescu.

The Liberal’s President also emphasized that Prime Minister Victor Ponta agrees with Gerea’s appointment that was further confirmed by Ponta himself announces Agerpres.

‘Mainly, it’s a very difficult to lead ministry, in a country whose main issue is in the economic area. And even if this ministry in its actual conformation does not have at disposal all the instruments necessary for putting the economy on move, it still has a role in accordance with its name. It’s a difficult ministry because it has on its agenda very pressing, urgent and complicated issues like Oltchim or Cuprumin. It’s a difficult ministry and, at the same time, very important because its policies are related to the exploitation of mineral resources subject, both in present and future. And when I say this I don’t think specifically to Rosia Montana, but also to a medium and long term policy this ministry and its holders are called to work to.’ said Crin Antonescu

Andrei Gerea is a PNL member since February, 1990, occupying various positions within the party over the past 23 years. Following several mandates of deputy, Gerea was elected to lead the Liberal’s MPs group in May, this year. He is also vice president of the Joint Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate in charge with approving the draft law concerning the silver and gold mining in Rosia Montana area.


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