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Vice president of ANRE: Central heating system in big cities needs urgent solution

The disorganized central heating system in the big Romanian cities, including Bucharest, is something that needs urgent solving, but at least for now, we don't have a solution that we can use nationwide, says the vice president of the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE), Emil Calota, cited by Agerpress. 'The advanced state of decay and the chaos that dominates the central heating system in the big cities in Romania, starting with the capital city itself, is one of the major problems we have been facing. 
 It is an urgent matter for which we don't have a solution that we can implement nationwide right now. We have been working, together with Parliament and the Government, on a set of laws to encourage investments in the modernization and upgrading of the heating systems in the big cities more,' specified Calota. He also referred to the lack of continuity of some national program in the energy efficiency field and about the lack of support for some sectoral program or measures that were supposed to help with the development of the energy market.
 'Inconsequence seems to be a historical feature of our society. However, when this inconsequence comes to be expressed through the lack of continuity of national program in the energy efficiency field or through the lack of such sectoral program or measures needed for the development of the energy services market it becomes a critical matter that affects our entire society. And I'll give you two examples. 
 The thermal rehabilitation of block of flats and multi-storey buildings, on the one hand, and the stagnation in the implementation of the ESCO contracts (namely contracts with companies that offer energy efficiency services) for the public sector, since the private sector already functions well, on the other hand,' Emil Calota said.
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