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Romanian Solar Summit 2013 - Press Release

The feed-in tariff might range from 186 to 200 euro/MW according to the calculation method proposed by ANRE (the National Energy Regulatory Authority) and approved by the European Commission, while the new tax of 1.5% will apply to photovoltaic projects starting 2014, these being considered special constructions.

Having ‘Meet the PV market!’ as its slogan, the event organized by Govnet Conferences under the aegis of RPIA – Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association -  gathered over 200 of the most important players in the solar energy market, companies from complementary areas as well as authorities in the field.

The Summit took the pulse of the Romanian PV sector, the discussions approaching major issues for all parties involved in developing such projects, without leaving apart the latest updates concerning the feed-in tariff dedicated to PV plants with a capacity less than 1MW, which is considered of utmost importance for the further development in this sector.

ANRE’s decision regarding the introduction of the feed-in tariff as an alternative to the current support scheme which includes green certificates could come shortly, after repeated postponements. Zoltan Nagy, ANRE’s Board member, said that following the previous discussions on the feed-in tariff, he hopes the long-awaited decision comes by the end of November. The amount of this tariff could exceed the cumulative amount of three green certificates added to the price of energy. Therefore, once the feed-in regulations are set, the developers could get over 186 euro for each Megawatt they produce. Yet, it will take a couple of months until the fixed tariff will eventually come into force, Nagy anticipating that the required approval from the EU Commission will come no earlier than March-April, 2014.

Apart from this good news expected to make the expansion in the PV sector boost, especially in the rooftop projects niche, another one, not so good, came from the Ministry of Public Finance. According to Remus Vulpescu, Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Finance, the new tax of 1.5% for special constructions, applicable from 2014, will also apply to solar plants.

The current challenges the PV sector faces, fiscal or legislative issues, financing solutions as well as opportunities investors have in Romania were also approached during the Summit.

The Summit partners were: Alpha Wind, Barlovento, Corporate Baskets, Egnatia ROM, Energovoltaic Group, ETEM Systems, Green Source, Hategan, Lacerta, LSG Group, Marsh, Martifer Solar, Noerr, REC Solar, Renesola, Schneider Electric, Skytron Energy, Repom, Tinmar, Transenergo, Wolf Theiss.

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