ROCA Investments part of Impetum Group, the private equity model that offers capital, partnership and management solutions for consolidating Romanian businesses in difficulty, had in 2019 an investment return of 57%, reaching a value of 74% above the one established in 2018. The registered growth confirms the ROCA Investments business model, based on a granularity of the portfolio and a diversification of the fields of activity, which ensures a good profitability as a whole.
For its companies, ROCA Investments has allocated an intervention fund of 20% of the current value of the participations, with the role of providing them with the additional capital necessary to successfully overcome the impact of the crisis.
"The fact that we are in a complicated point in the economy does not mean that we stop the engines and stop the activity, on the contrary: it is a good time to move to a solid reconstruction. The Romanian business needs even more now a support point, a reference system. We may not have a map anymore, but we keep our compass. We are planning a capital increase and we intend to invest 10 in 2020, as we decided before the health crisis, in strategic sectors that can be the engines for the reconstruction of the economy and where ROCA Investments can get involved. We invest in companies whose values are above their valuations. Large companies are growing in times of crisis, "said Rudolf Vizental, CEO of ROCA Investments.
One of the differentiators and main advantage of ROCA Investments is the in-depth involvement in management of the ROCA team of professionals, with an extensive background in business & finance. The board of ROCA Investments includes: Rudolf Vizental, CEO and co-founder of ROCA Investments and Alexandru Savin, Investment Manager, with expertise in business development, business models and risk management. The team was recently completed by Alexandra Bran, in the role of CFO, who in the past held the position of CFO of the online retailer eMAG, part of the world-class Naspers group.
ROCA Investments started in 2018 with a capital of EUR 4.5 million. In the first year, it carried out three transactions and increased its capital to EUR 12.8 million. In 2019, ROCA Investments concluded another five new transactions. According to the valuation report prepared by the certified independent valuer ANEVAR Veridio, based on the data recorded at the end of last year, the market value of ROCA Investments' equity is estimated at EUR 22.3 million, an increase of 74% compared to of book value. Moreover, the return on investments for 2019 was 57.18%, an even more impressive percentage as some of the companies in which ROCA Investments was involved last year do not yet reflect the post-transaction efficiency measures and retain a real potential. growth.
In parallel, ROCA Investments continues several strategic projects started in January to further develop the ROCA entrepreneurial community and to help accelerate the development of the managerial structure in Romanian companies. An achievement included here is the amplification of the ROCA Management Accelerator project, an intensive applied management program that trains skills adapted to the Romanian economy, through practice in ROCA Investments companies.
ROCA Investments companies come from different economic areas, such as B2B services, logistics, production, agriculture, chemical industry, impacted at various intensities by the military ordinances in force.