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ZTE plans a 100 mln euro investment by 2015

ZTE Corporation, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of telecom equipment plans to run an investment program worth about 100 million euro within the next two years. The Chinese group aims to allocate that amount to open two service centers and a production line according to Lorian Vintila, head of ZTE Romania, quoted by Mediafax.

‘In a first stage, we will allocate 16 million euro to open a service center in the West of the country. We have started the recruitment process for some hundreds of people this month, with a delay of several months, and we hope to conclude it in February 2014. Furthermore, in the second stage of the investment which will be carried out in the second half of the next year, we will open another service center in the South of the country, the amount allocated reaching 23 million euro’. Vintila said at the China and Central-East Europe Economic Forum.

He further added that the remaining amount of about 60 million euro is for a production line for telecom equipments, as in order to be able to participate to auctions in this field in Europe it is required to have the equipments manufactured in a EU member-state.

ZTE is a China based corporation established in 1985 in Shenzen, currently operating in more than 140 countries worldwide. ZTE manufactures equipments for fixed, mobile telecommunication networks, data and optical networks and smart and next generation networks.

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