Filip & Company, in collaboration with Linklaters, assisted the Ministry of Public Finance in a two-tranche Eurobond issue that drew over EUR 2.5 billion from the international markets.
The first tranche of EUR 1.5 billion has a 20-year maturity and a 2.65% annual interest rate, while the second one amounts to EUR 1 billion, has a 9-year maturity and a 1.46% annual interest rate.
“A key objective of both the private sector and sovereign entities in the context of the pandemic is to ensure liquidity reserves to meet the current challenges and be able to take recovery measures. Romania is a mature emerging economy and its debt is financed on the free market with long maturities, which is a sign of investors’ increased confidence in the fundamentals and prospects of the Romanian economy. This transaction helps to consolidate Romania’s position, including for the year 2021 and we are glad that we were able to help as well”, said Alexandru Bîrsan, partner at Filip & Company.
The Filip & Company team that assisted the Ministry of Public Finance on this project mainly consisted of Alexandru Bîrsan (partner), Monica Stătescu (counsel) and Andreea Bănică (associate).
Filip & Company has one of the most dynamic and experienced Capital Markets practices in Romania. Our team includes specialists with a rich prior experience gained in complex Romanian and international transactions.