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BVB: Romgaz and Nuclearelectrica, included in BET indices

Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) adjusted the composition of its indices and rebalanced them after the Index Committee meeting past Tuesday, December 3. Following the adjustment, the shares of both Romgaz (symbol SNG) and Nuclearelectrica (symbol SNN) were included in BET, BET-XT, BET-BK and, consequently, in BET-NG and BET-C indices. That, given the success recorded with their IPOs this fall and their ranking in Top 10 by liquidity coefficient, BVB announces through a press release. Romgaz and Nuclearelectrica will substitute Biofarm and Banca Comerciala that will be excluded from BET and Zentiva and Oil-Terminal, respectively, whose shares will be excluded from BET-XT.

‘The inclusion of Romgaz and Nuclearelectrica in BVB main index has been done on the ground of liquidity of those equities on the Exchange in Bucharest. It will in turn support the future liquidity of these assets, enhancing their valuations through the price discovery mechanism that is properly managed. I am sure that international and domestic investors will appreciate this and it will reinforce their conviction that the best and only market for Romanian businesses is the capital market in Romania’ Ludwik Sobolewski, BVB’s CEO said.

The weighting factors of the indices – free float factor, representation factor and price correction factor will be calculated based on the number of shares and the closing prices registered on the December 13 trading session. The new index will be effective starting with December 3, 2013 is stated in the same press release. 

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