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EnergoBit ESCO to invest 2.2 mln euro in a biogas facility

EnergoBit ESCO will build a 0.5 MW facility designed to simultaneously generate electricity and useful heat from the biogas resulted from the anaerobic fermentation of organic animal and vegetal waste. The co-generation plant with an estimated value of 2.2 million euro will be located in Tulcea and it will be set up in association with Carniprod Tulcea.

‘The project is scheduled for commissioning next September and has been estimated at 2.2 million Euros, with an amortisation period of 8 to 10 years. For the Tulcea Project, the two companies incorporated an SPV – Biocarnic ESCO – with EnergoBit ESCO holding 80% of its capital and Carniprod holding the other 20% of its shares.’ is stated in a press release from EnergoBit.

Being projected to operate at high-efficiency parameters, the new facility will use the entire heat to meet its internal necessities and any existing surplus will be then sold to Carniprod.

Part of EnergoBit Group, EnergoBit ESCO is mainly focused on energy savings projects, benefitting from the Group’s broad experience in the electro-energetic field, as well as from its financial support. The company provides all the services involved by an energy efficiency project, such as: designing and streamlining solutions, identification of solutions generating energy savings, operation and maintenance or monitoring and assessment of savings.


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