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tbi bank capitalized its 2023 profit to support future growth

tbi bank, one of the leading challenger banks in South-East Europe, announces that it has capitalized its entire consolidated net profit for 2023 for the amount of 42.5 million euro.

Petr Baron, CEO, tbi fs

tbi’s profit for the first six months of 2023 has already been capitalized upon approval by the Bulgarian National Bank at the end of 2023. Now, tbi bank's shareholders decided to also reinvest the profits from H2 2023, supporting future growth.

tbi reported record financial results in 2023 with 17% higher net profit and an impressive nearly 40% growth in total assets – the highest among all the banks in the Bulgarian market. During 2023 tbi bank serviced applications from 1.6 million unique customers (twice as much as in 2022) in its three core markets – Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece, disbursing around 750.000 loans at the amount of nearly EUR 1 billion (30% yoy growth).

“We are happy to see our shareholders’ strong commitment to our future business growth. By capitalizing our 2023 profit we provide a stable foundation to foster our expansion in the markets we operate. We will continue to invest in constant improvement of our products and services to make our beloved customers' lives easier”, says Petr Baron, CEO, tbi fs.

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