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ENGIE Romania Expands Renewable Energy with First Hybrid Plant

ENGIE Romania has broadened its renewable energy portfolio by launching its first hybrid power plant, which combines wind and solar energy. Located in Gemenele, Brăila County, the facility has a total installed capacity of 57 MW and is expected to generate around 140 GWh annually.

Gemenele Hybrid Plant. Source ENGIE

This project increases ENGIE Romania’s total wind and solar power generation capacity to 211 MW, reinforcing the company’s role in the country’s renewable energy sector. The hybrid plant includes a newly built photovoltaic (solar) park with a capacity of 9.3 MWp, which sits alongside an existing wind farm with a capacity of 47.5 MW. Together, these facilities are connected to the same network, making this one of Romania’s first hybrid renewable energy plants.

The solar park covers 14 hectares and is equipped with 17,100 bi-facial photovoltaic panels. These panels, mounted on a metal tracker system, follow the sun’s movement to increase energy efficiency. The integration of both wind and solar sources allows the plant to deliver more consistent energy output, as the two technologies can complement each other’s generation patterns.

The project is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 49 kilotons annually, a significant contribution to Romania’s efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and meet its climate targets.

This hybrid plant is part of ENGIE Romania’s broader strategy to expand its renewable energy operations. The company already operates three wind farms across Brăila, Constanța, and Galați counties, with a combined capacity of 178 MW. Additionally, it runs five solar parks in Arad, Buzău, Harghita, and Teleorman counties, with a total installed capacity of 33 MW.

ENGIE has also begun construction on a greenfield solar power plant in Ariceștii Rahtivani, Prahova County, with a capacity of 37.2 MWp. These ongoing investments reflect the company’s growing focus on renewable energy projects in Romania.

The completion of the Gemenele hybrid plant is notable in Romania’s transition toward cleaner energy sources. Hybrid plants, which combine wind and solar, are relatively new in the country and could play a larger role in stabilizing renewable energy supply, as the two sources can offset each other during periods of low generation.

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