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Romania treats with prudence the Syrian conflict


Romania maintains its position towards the issue, considering prudence to be the best approach since there are many Romanian citizens living in Syria. Although there have been registered several consular requests for repatriation, most of Romanians in Syria refuse to leave the country despite the warnings the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent.

'Why prudence? Because there have been about 20 consular operations requests today (September 2nd) at our Embassy in Damascus. There were 18 consular assistance requests on Sunday. Right now a repatriation for 19 Romanian citizens is being prepared. We have a problem related to the Romanian citizens' presence there in Syria.' explains President Traian Basescu.

On the other hand, Basescu said that if needed, Romania supports a possible military intervention of its Allies in Syria as a warning towards Damascus to stop using chemical weapons against its citizens.

'(...)Romania considers that at this stage should be cautious and at the time our Allies would decide to take further steps and send a 'message' towards Damascus as a warning against using toxic gas, which is intolerable, Romania will act jointly' added Traian Basescu.


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