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Romania, in top 5 oil and gas producers in Europe

Romania ranks 5th in Europe in production of oil and gas after Norway, Great Britain, The Netherlands and Denmark according to Vasile Iuga, Managing Partner at PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC), South-Eastern Europe.

The oil and gas produced in Romania amounted to 102 million BOE (Barrel of Oil Equivalent) last year, while Norway, the major European producer, drew 1.3 billion, followed by Great Britain – 583 million BOE, The Netherlands – 520 million BOE and Denmark – 114 million BOE.
At the same time, Romania's dependence on imports is 25%, below the European average which is 50%.
'Dependence on imports is lower than the European average which is 50%. Romania stands just fine from this point of view.' explained Iuga.
However, he expects that, without further investments in the energy efficiency field, Romania's dependence on imports will grow up to 80% in 2030.

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