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Electricity trading on OPCOM almost doubles compared to last year

More than 650 million Euro worth of electricity traded in the first half of 2013, 85% more than in the same time of last year. 
The bilateral contract market, where buyers and sellers meet and sign long-term deals, saw the highest jump in amounts traded, according to OPCOM data. Traded volume on this market stood at 9.47 TWh of electricity or 36% of the country’s energy consumption, almost 5.5 times more than in the same time last year. Traded electricity price fell 15.6% to EUR43.2/MWh. 
Whereas the only power sellers in the first half of 2012 were the major energy complexes and Electrocentrale Galati, solar and wind power producers, as well as Hidroelectrica and Nuclearelectrica joined them in 2013. Nuclearelectrica signed the biggest contract so far, with ArcelorMittal Galati worth 77 million Euro.
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