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New Country manager for ABB in Romania

Tomasz Wolanowski has been recently appointed as the new Country Manager for ABB in Romania, effective September 1, 2013. Mr. Wolanowski succeeds Mr. Peter Simon who retired after a 38 year career in ABB.

Tomasz Wolanowski, 45 years old, is a Polish citizen and he joined ABB in 1994. Since then he has held several management positions in the company mostly in the area of sales and marketing. He holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Lodz, Poland.

„I am ready to continue the ascendant trend of ABB in Romania and I believe that Romania will continue to have outstanding opportunities based on its geographical position and on its market dimension. In addition, making most of ABB products available to local customers will remain a priority”. – said Tomasz Wolanowski.

Peter Simon retires after an impressive 38 year career in ABB, where he held outstanding management responsibilities in various countries over the time, the most recent ones being as Country manager for ABB in Romania for the last 18 years and Cluster manager for ABB Romania, Bulgaria and the Rep. of Moldavia.

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