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Continental invests 40 million Euros in Ghimbav

German automotive company Continental concluded a 40 million Euro investment in a fuel pump factory located in Ghimbav Industrial Park, Brasov County. When opperating at full capacity the production will amount to seven million units / year. Among the car manufacturers that will equip cars with fuel pumps produced in Ghimbav are Volkswagen AG group, Ford, BMW, Mercedes -Benz , PSA Peugeot Citroen and Renault.

By the end of the year, about 500 employees will work in this factory called Continental Fuel Suply part of Continental Powertrain Division.

"Since Brasov is our main production unit in Europe , will work closely with Dortmund and Bebra . Dortmund is the global competence center for the development of new technologies and production processes fuel units , while Bebra is our center of competence for fuel pumps , "said Markus Distelhoff , business unit manager Fuel Suply, at the inauguration .

By the end of 2012 Continental has invested over 700 million euros in activities in Romania , where all five divisions of the company are represented. Continental has seven production units in Romania and three research and development centers in Timisoara, Sibiu, Nadab , Brasov and Iasi and has so far invested over 700 million euros in activities in Romania. Continental currently has approximately 12,000 employees in Romania.

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