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Chevron received the permit to start shale gas exploration in Vaslui

Chevron got a construction permit for placing the first gas shale exploration well in Romania, upon state-authorities approved the soil exploration in Silistea, Vaslui, transmits Mediafax. Having the authorization from the Vaslui County Council after providing the required documentation, Chevron is going to start setting up the exploration well in the area.

'The applicant society has met all conditions required by the urban planning certificate, including the approval from ANRE (Romanian energy market regulator), therefore it wouldn't have been possible not to receive the construction permit. There isn't any legal basis not to provide this document which allows the placement of the exploration well.' said Marian Besliu, Director of the Urban Planning Department in Vaslui Couny Council according to Mediafax.

The project has an estimated value of RON3 million and it is expected to be completed in four months, as per the documentation Chevron sent for approval. After arranging the drilling platform that should take about two months, the remaining period is going to be assigned to drilling and sampling.

'The purpose of the project we've proposed is to drill an investigation well and get lithology samples in order to establish geological and physical characteristics of layers which are penetrated when drilling, in view of highlighting the geological structures that potentially incorporate hydrocarbon, the production options of possibly discovered resources. Information obtained through exploration drilling will be analyzed for evaluating the economic potential that would result and will be eventually presented to ANRE.' shows the document Chevron submitted to Vaslui County Council.

Drilling in that area is based on a concession contract concluded between ANRM (National Agency for Mineral resources) and Regal Petroleum PLC, approved by Government Decision (HG 2.283/2004). Subsequently, all rights acquired and obligations undertaken through the contract in question, have been fully transferred to SC Chevron Romania Exploration and Production SRL, through ANRM Ordinance no. 25/3 November 2011.

Chevron Romania has three other urban planning certificates in Vaslui county designated to soil exploration for identifying possible shale gas reserves.

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